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Applied Physics

Solving complex engineering problems to create competitive technologies and scientific advancements, we specialize in electronic systems, power supplies, voice and data communications, and mechanical systems. Our engineers offer extensive expertise in sensors, optics, and infrared signature modeling, geophysical modeling, and data processing techniques.

Aerospace Engineering

We provide aerospace systems engineering solutions for both the U.S. military and commercial aerospace industries. Our engineers specialize in propulsion systems and equipment, unmanned systems, condition based maintenance, and software/database applications for automation and visualization.

Electromechanical & Optical Systems

We design concepts and fabricate prototypes for special mechanical systems. Staff members specialize in automated electromechanical systems, miniature mechanisms, optics, electronics, special-purpose packaging, rapid prototyping and selective laser sintering, and custom and injection molding. We have experience in microelectromechanical systems, or MEMS.