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Space Science

As a recognized leader in space science research and spacecraft instrumentation, avionics, and electronics, we are helping to reveal the secrets of our solar system and the universe. SwRI was the principal investigator institution for the highly successful IMAGE mission and now leads the New Horizons mission to Pluto, the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX), and the Juno mission to Jupiter, as well as the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) science investigation. SwRI-developed instruments have flown, are flying, or are under development for flight on a number of NASA and European Space Agency missions, while SwRI-developed avionics systems have flown without a single on-orbit failure on more than 50 government and commercial missions.

Earth, Oceans & Space

Our staff members focus on engineering and science flight projects, in the areas of earth science, astrophysics and heliophysics. Located in Durham, N.H., we explore new scientific challenges in those areas and develop innovative flight instruments to study these problems. Using SwRI’s flight expertise, we deliver flight hardware for a variety of government and industry clients.

Space Instrumentation

We are a leading designer of space instruments used in applications spanning space science, planetary science, spacecraft and ground-based missions. We design, fabricate, test and integrate instruments used in remote sensing, measuring plasmas, ultraviolet spectra, and other data sources applicable to space-related science and engineering.

Space Research

We combine Earth- and space-based analysis with expertise in geology, remote sensing, in-situ technologies and more. Our heliophysics activities focus on understanding the behavior of electrically charged particles (plasmas) and electromagnetic fields at the Sun, in planetary magnetospheres and interplanetary space, and at the heliosphere’s interface with the local interstellar medium.

Space Science Directorate

Our space research activities focus principally on understanding the behavior of electrically charged particles (plasmas) and electromagnetic fields at the Sun, in planetary magnetospheres and interplanetary space, and at the heliosphere’s interface with the local interstellar medium. Our program extends from the Sun to the very edge of the solar system, where the outflow of electrically charged particles from the Sun (the solar wind) encounters the local interstellar medium.