


  • SwRI Headquarters

    6220 Culebra Road
    San Antonio, TX 78238-5166
    United States

    Business Inquiries

    Headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, SwRI is one of the oldest and largest independent, nonprofit, applied research and development organizations in the United States.

    1 210 522 2122
U.S. Locations


  • Colorado Office

    1301 Walnut Street, Suite 400
    Boulder, CO 80302
    United States

    Robin Canup Ph.D.
    Vice President

    Boulder staff members conduct basic observational, modeling and theoretical research in a wide range of solar system and astrophysical topics, and are active in the scientific and instrumentation components of several space missions. Researchers are involved in a variety of projects for NASA, the European Space Agency and the National Science Foundation.


    1 303 546 9670


  • Georgia Office

    609 Russell Parkway
    Robins, GA 31088-6031
    United States

    Winfield Greene

    To serve the U.S. Air Force, SwRI staff members in Georgia support an array of aerospace system requirements, including engineering services, automatic test equipment, large-scale 31088-6031database development, reliability and maintainability improvements, software development, program development and operations.

    1 478 328 7974


  • Maryland Hanover Office

    7380 Coca Cola Drive, Suite 108
    Hanover, MD 21076
    United States

    Bryan Bollinger
    Staff Engineer

    Established in 2004, our Hanover operations serve as a technical liaison with Fort Meade.

    1 210 522 8379


  • Michigan Office

    4622 Runway Boulevard
    Ann Arbor, MI 48108
    United States

    Scott Hotz P.E.

    The Ann Arbor staff offers automotive technical and program support to clients located in southeast Michigan and Canada, including on-site technical support to the Environmental Protection Agency. We strive to be a globally recognized, unbiased, and preferred collaborative team for powertrain and vehicle research and development services.

    1 734 263 2813
  • Michigan Office

    4622 Runway Boulevard
    Ann Arbor, MI 48108
    United States

    Robert Coppersmith

    The Ann Arbor staff offers automotive technical and program support to clients located in southeast Michigan and Canada, including on-site technical support to the Environmental Protection Agency. We strive to be a globally recognized, unbiased, and preferred collaborative team for powertrain and vehicle research and development services.

    1 248 820 7844


  • Minnesota Office

    5353 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 208
    Minneapolis, MN 55416
    United States

    Stephen Beissel Ph.D.
    Staff Engineer

    Evaluating the dynamic response of materials and structures to impact and explosive loading, our Minnesota staff provides support to the U.S. Department of Defense and its contractors.

    1 210 522 5631

New Hampshire

  • Mark McConnell Ph.D.

    With a focus on engineering and science flight projects, our staff explores new scientific challenges and develops innovative flight instruments to study problems in the areas of earth science, astrophysics, and heliophysics. SwRI has a long history of developing spaceflight instrumentation, avionics, and electronics for NASA and other government agencies, and has served as the principal investigator institution for multiple NASA missions. We deliver flight hardware for a variety of government and industry clients.

    1 603 862 2047


  • Ohio Office

    2673 Commons Boulevard, Suite 10
    Beavercreek, OH 45431-3803
    United States

    Robert Heidinger

    We provide design, development, and maintenance of hardware and software systems for the aerospace community by providing unbiased advice, creative solutions, and rapid reaction results to government and industry clients in Dayton, Ohio, and surrounding areas.

    1 210 522 2660


  • Oklahoma Office

    2701 Liberty Parkway, Suite 311
    Midwest City, OK 73110
    United States

    Dayvon Mccarrell

    Our Midwest City staff performs projects and activities related to condition based maintenance and major aircraft subsystems, including propulsion, avionics, electrical, mechanical, electro-mechanical, and hydraulic systems primarily for the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center and Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex at Tinker Air Force Base. Our engineering expertise supports a variety of weapon systems including B-1, B-2, B-52, E-3, and KC-135 aircraft, as well as F100, F101, F108, F110, F118, T56, TF33, TF34, and TF39 engines, cruise missiles, and air traffic control and landing systems.

    1 210 522 3712


  • Texas Austin Office

    8501 North Mopac Expressway
    Suite 250
    Austin, TX 78757
    United States

    Keith Smith

    SwRI staff members in Austin are part of a number of exciting research endeavors in addition to fostering collaborations with local start-ups and educational institutions. Their work includes developing robotics applications for manufacturing and process automation applications, researching reliable space-qualified components, creating high reliability embedded systems for spacecraft avionics, spacecraft verification and validation, attitude control systems, and data management and analysis.

    1 210 522 3096


  • Utah Office

    6057 Box Elder Lane, Building 1285
    Hill AFB, UT 84056-5811
    United States

    Paul Clark Ph.D.
    Program Manager

    Our Ogden office provides on-site support for both the A-10 Thunderbolt II and the T-38 Talon programs.

    1 801 586 7158
International Locations


  • China International Office

    Rm. A-1316, Zhongyun Building
    No. 208, Lize Zhongyuan
    Wangjing, Chaoyang District, 11 100102

    Ximin Shi
    Chief Representative

    Since 2005, our liaison office in Beijing has facilitated business opportunities stemming from China’s expanding economy, business climate, transportation technology, and energy needs. It also coordinates activities between SwRI and clients in China and surrounding areas.

United Kingdom

  • United Kingdom International Office

    Powertrain Technology Ltd.
    1 Riverside Business Centre, Brighton Road
    Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, SWX
    BN43 6RE
    United Kingdom

    Ian Gilbert

    SwRI and Powertrain Technology Ltd. have an exclusive services agreement for engine and powertrain design cooperation.

    44 1273 466 667
Subsidiary Location


  • Texas Austin Subsidiary

    8501 North Mopac Expressway,
    Suite 100
    Austin, TX 78759
    United States

    Brian J. Schimmoller
    President & CEO, Signature Science, LLC

    Signature Science, LLC, is an Austin, Texas, biotechnology company that specializes in offering clients solutions in national security, homeland security, environmental, and public safety. Signature Science is nationally recognized for its expertise in environmental management, biotechnology, national security, and technical services.

    1 512 533 2019