SwRI sponsors ITS World Congress Student Essay Competition for sixth year

For immediate release

San Antonio — August 29, 2017 — Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) is sponsoring a Student Essay Competition in connection with the ITS World Congress in Montréal, Canada, Oct. 29 to Nov. 2. The competition encourages engineering students to help advance transportation technologies by sharing their ideas and concepts in an original essay.

“Now in our sixth year of sponsorship, we are always impressed with the innovative ideas expressed in student essays,” said Josh Johnson, a director in SwRI’s Intelligent Systems Division. “By addressing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) challenges, students are creating pathways to success while helping industry think of new ways to solve future challenges.”

Judges will select the winning essay based on the thought-provoking insights expressed about the future of the intelligent transportation industry. The winning student will receive a $1,000 cash prize and complimentary registration to attend ITS World Congress 2017 Montréal, including air and hotel expenses.

This year’s topic for the 2,000-word essay is: “How do you envision the city of the future (10-year horizon) will address transportation through the use of new innovative technologies?” Interested students must be full-time graduate or undergraduate students enrolled in an accredited college or university. Essays should be submitted as a Microsoft Word® or PDF attachment to ITSWC2017StudentEssay@swri.org by Oct. 1.

The winner will be announced at ITS World Congress 2017 Montréal.

Download the official poster for the 2017 ITS World Congress Student Essay Competition.

For more information, visit SwRI’s Logistics & Transportation Systems page or contact Robert Crowe, (210) 522-4630, Communications Department, Southwest Research Institute, PO Drawer 28510, San Antonio, TX 78228-0510.