Advanced science.  Applied technology.


Recrystallized HI-6 Dimethylsufate: 11,986,779


The present invention is directed at the synthesis and characterization of recrystallized HI-6 dimethylsulfate (DMS). The method can comprise dissolving HI-6 DMS in an alkyl-based glycol and adding an antisolvent to recrystallize HI-6 DMS or dissolving HI-6 DMS in methanol and adding dimethoxy ethane or dimethyl formamide as the antisolvent to recrystallize HI-6 DMS. The recrystallized HI-6 DMS indicates a resistance to moisture absorption and/or a DSC melting point onset (MP Onset) at least at or above 160.0? C.

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Shawn T. Blumberg; Paul W. Miguel