Advanced science.  Applied technology.


Diluter for Measuring Engine Exhaust Emissions: 8,650,973


A diluter for diluting a sample flow of a test gas to allow subsequent measurement of emissions in the test gas. During a calibration mode, a first flow control element receives and controls the dilution flow, a second flow control element receives and measures only the dilution flow, and a third flow control element is closed. Also during calibration, the second flow control element is calibrated to the first flow control element. During a measurement mode, the same dilution flow rate is maintained in the first and second flow control elements, the sample flow and dilution flow are mixed, and the mixed flow flows into both the second flow control element and the third flow control element. Also during measurement, the third flow control element controls sample flow, and the second flow control element delivers a portion of the mixed flow to the instrument.

Patent Number: 
Date Of Issue: 

Qiang Wei; Imad Said Abdul-Khalek

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