SwRI provides custom antenna design, antenna testing, hemispherical vector sensing DF and geolocation, DF arrays, and radiolocation solutions through our capabilities in electromagnetics and spatial processing algorithms.
Technical Strengths
- Custom antenna designs for communications, intercept, direction finding and beam-formed arrays
- Computational eletromagnetics modeling for predicting installed performance of these antennas and DF arrays
- Antenna testing in anechoic chambers and outdoor far field ranges
- Antenna and RF design experience spanning from very low frequency (VLF) through the VHF/UHF and microwave bands and into the millimeter wave spectrum, from 3 kHz to 60 GHz and beyond
- DF algorithm implementation and analysis, including N-channel algorithms and array calibrations, for airborne, shipboard and terrestrial applications
- Time difference of arrival (TDOA) and Frequency difference of arrival (FDOA) algorithms and systems
- Hemispherical vector sensing DF and geolocation from a single terrestrial site (single site locator, or SSL) or airborne platform
- Geolocation algorithms for processing direction of arrival (DoA) and TDOA/FDOA measurements, including the combination of heterogeneous sensor types
The Electromagnetic Apertures and Radiolocation Section has a number of "off the shelf" antennas, DF arrays and radiolocation algorithms available for integration into government or other open architecture systems, but leverages a wealth of experience and internal R&D work to provide custom solutions to challenging problems such as:
- Conformal or concealed antenna/array installations
- Small antenna/array footprints
- Using unique waveform features to isolate signals with spatial processing
- Designing multi-purpose antennas
- Anti-jam arrays and algorithms
- Phased arrays and low-cost phased array alternatives
- Airship arrays and inflatable antennas