Advanced science.  Applied technology.


Corrosion Sensors Suitable for Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) Detection: 12,007,322


A sensor for use in detecting corrosion under insulation (CUI) and a method for deploying the same that does not require removal of cladding and/or insulation. The sensor includes at least a first sensor element formed of a first metal and a second sensor element formed of a second metal, the first and second metals being different. One or a plurality of sleeve members formed of an electrically-insulating material, such as plastic, maintain the first and second sensor elements at a predetermined distance from each other and define at least one sensing region that extends between the first and second sensor elements. The first and second sensor elements are configured to electrically communicate based on a conductive solution being disposed in the at least one sensing region and causing a galvanic current to be induced there between.

Patent Number: 
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Leonardo J. Caseres; James F. Dante; Sergey A. Vinogradov