Advanced science.  Applied technology.


Device for Measuring Three-Dimensional Velocity Size, and/or Shape of Particles: 12,078,584


A velocimeter/nephelometer for measuring the three-dimensional velocity and/or size and/or shape of a particle. A set of laser interferometers and a set of photodiode detectors are arranged on a two-dimensional platform. Each laser interferometer produces a laser beam, with the beams intersecting within an inner area of the platform. Two of the laser interferometers produce like-oriented fringe patterns with an angular separation between the propagation direction of their beams of ninety degrees. A third of the laser interferometers produces a beam with the fringe pattern oriented orthogonal to the fringe patterns of the other two laser interferometers. Each detector is positioned and filtered to detect light from an associated laser interferometer, the light having been scattered by a particle as the particle passes through a volume of observation.

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Keith Nowicki; Alex Parker; Alejandro Soto

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