Advanced science.  Applied technology.


Fire Testing

Go to Fire Testing

As one of the world’s largest fire research organizations, we have extensive capabilities and expertise to customize fire tests for a wide range of systems and equipment. Our staff is well versed in a wide range of fire testing using methodologies and pulling from other fields of expertise to address research and client testing needs. Our testing laboratories are accredited through federal, state, international, and other various agencies. We have a multi-million dollar custom pollution abatement system that allows us to conduct tests safely while reducing emissions and hazardous waste. Since the 1950s, we have conducted fire testing and research servicing both industry and government. 

We perform a wide range of standard and custom tests to evaluate the fire performance of construction materials, products, and systems including the fire resistance measurements of wall or floor/ceiling assemblies and structural elements and assessing the potential contribution from interior finish materials to a fire. We offer customized engineering and scientific solutions to fire and explosion problems.

For questions about this testing, please contact Matthew Blais at +1 210 522 3524.


We can design custom tests and provide consultations to provide sound scientific evaluations specific for any application. Full-scale tests are developed to determine the response of processes, structures, materials, products and environment to realistic explosions, heat, smoke and fire. Events can be recreated to determine possible root cause and to develop mitigation techniques to prevent further losses.


We specialize in:

  • Optimization of type and quantity of fire inhibitors in polymers and composites
  • Optimization of processes for inclusion of fire inhibitors
  • Batch-scale reaction studies for chemicals
  • Design, construction, and operation of pilot plants
  • Evaluation and optimization of the fire safety of processes and plants
  • Development of active and passive safety systems for processes
  • Development of automatic control systems for processes
  • Simulation and modeling of upset conditions or fire scenarios in processes 

Fire Testing Standards

Find specific testing in the table below or visit the following pages:

Fire Testing Services

Custom DesignContact
Aerosol Cans/CandlesMarina Gonzalez 
+1 210 522 3743
Aerospace Components (Testing and Evaluations)Alexandra Schluneker 
+1 210 522 6423
Combat Vehicle Survivability TestingMatthew Blais
+1 210 522 3524
Combustion and Inhalation ToxicityMatthew Blais 
+1 210 522 3524
Custom Design Offshore Fire SystemsKyle Fernandez 
+1 210 522 5469
Environmental Control Equipment Alexandra Schluneker 
+1 210 522 6423
ExplosibilityAlexandra Schluneker 
+1 210 522 6423
Fire Fighting Foam EvaluationsJason Huczek 
+1 210 522 3632
Fire Modeling  Jason Huczek 
+1 210 522 3632
Fire Protection Custom-Design Tests  Jason Huczek 
+1 210 522 3632
Flame Arrester  Alexandra Schluneker 
+1 210 522 6423
Flexible Hose Evaluation for Offshore InstallationsBrandon Meckel 
+1 210 522 2728
Full-Scale Pool Fire Simulations  Jason Huczek 
+1 210 522 3632
Gas and Vapor Cloud Fire and Explosion  Alexandra Schluneker 
+1 210 522 6423
Gas Dispersion (Accidental Releases)  Alexandra Schluneker 
+1 210 522 6423
Glazing MaterialsKaren Carpenter 
+1 210 522 3718
Heat Transfer Equipment (Testing and Evaluation)  Alexandra Schluneker 
+1 210 522 6423
High Temperature Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)Matthew Blais 
+1 210 522 3524
Hydrocarbon Pool Fire Simulation >2000°F  Kyle Fernandez 
+1 210 522 5469
Jet Fire/High Intensity Apparatus/High-Rise Curve  Kyle Fernandez 
+1 210 522 5469
Large-Scale Heat Release Rate CalorimetryKaren Carpenter 
+1 210 522 3718
Listing and Labeling Services  Julie Garcia 
+1 210 522 5832
Natural Gas Systems (Transmission and Distribution) Alexandra Schluneker 
+1 210 522 6423
Perimeter Joints and Fire Stops  Karen Carpenter 
+1 210 522 3718
Pool Fire/Flame Engulfment Evaluations  Jason Huczek 
+1 210 522 3632
Pressure Relief Devices Exposed to Fire EvaluationAlexandra Schluneker 
+1 210 522 6423
Propellant Combustion, Fires, and Military Studies  Alexandra Schluneker 
+1 210 522 6423
Propellant Pyrotechnics and High Sensitivity Studies  Alexandra Schluneker 
+1 210 522 6423
Risks and Hazard Analysis Alexandra Schluneker 
+1 210 522 6423
Room Temperature/Rate of Heat Release Test Jason Huczek 
+1 210 522 3632
School Bus Seat TestMarina Gonzalez 
+1 210 522 3743
Samuel Fey 
+1 210 522 3971
Smoke Detector/Alarm SystemsJason Huczek 
+1 210 522 3632
Sprinkler Evaluation for Rack Storage in Warehouse  Jason Huczek 
+1 210 522 3632
Sprinkler System EvaluationsJason Huczek 
+1 210 522 3632
Toxicity Evaluation of Smoke by Radiant Combustion and Exposure ApparatusMarina Gonzalez 
+1 210 522 3743
Vehicle Fuel Tank VulnerabilityKyle Fernandez 
+1 210 522 5469

Standard Tests

We conduct a wide range of standard fire tests in accordance with strict standard methods.