Environment & Safety

Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) is certified to ISO 14001, Environmental Management System, for operations/activities/services, buildings, and facilities in the Office of Automotive Engineering, Facilities & Services, and Environmental, Safety, & Quality Systems organizations.

Environmental Management

Environmental Policy [PDF]

SwRI strives to be an environmentally responsible corporate citizen in our community and is committed to protecting the environment and conserving our natural resources. SwRI accomplishes these commitments by effectively managing and continually improving processes and services, complying with applicable legal and other requirements, establishing and reviewing environmental objectives and targets, and minimizing impact on the environment through pollution prevention.

Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of all SwRI personnel. The policy is available to SwRI personnel, contractors, and the public through the Institute web site (www.swri.org). In keeping with this policy SwRI leadership adopts the following "C2IP" guiding principles:

  • C2 – Communicate & Comply with Requirements
  • I – Improve Environmental Programs
  • P – Prevent Pollution

Safety and Industrial Hygiene

SwRI is committed to the health, safety, and welfare of our employees and guests.

Safety Policy [PDF]

The policy of SwRI is to ensure the health and safety of its personnel. To demonstrate this commitment, SwRI leadership adopts the following "ACE" principles:

  • A - Assessing the occupational health and safety (OH&S) hazards and risks and taking steps to eliminate or minimize them.
  • C - Continually improving OH&S management systems by setting and striving to achieve higher performance goals and consistent reduction in recordable injury rates.
  • E - Ensuring compliance with applicable OH&S legal and other requirements.

SwRI accomplishes this policy by creating a positive safety culture and by communicating and implementing the Triad® program: Awareness of hazards and hazardous behavior, monitoring and self-inspections, and training of personnel.

For more information, contact the Communications Department.