We provide comprehensive services to help clients design and evaluate pipeline systems and compressor and pump stations. From computational fluid dynamics of valve flows to surge analysis for compressor stations, our engineers help the energy industry design reliable systems that identify potential issues that can affect systems. In addition to analyses and simulation tools, we provide real-time solutions such as leak-detection using machine learning as well as training and troubleshooting in the field.
Turbomachinery and Piping CFD
Reciprocating Compressors: Foundation Integrity
Dynamic Compressor Simulation and Surge Analysis
Flow Assurance and Multiphase Flow Modeling
Gas Networks & Compression Station Analyses
Leak Detection
Liquid Networks & Pumping Facility Analyses
Training Simulators for Compressor and Pump Stations
Wet Gas Compression & System Performance
Pressure Safety Valve Analysis
Pulsation & Mechanical Analyses
Pump Piping System Design
Thermal Stress Analysis
Transient Analysis Pulsation Solver (TAPS)
Acoustic/Pulsation Analyses
Centrifugal Compressor Station (FIV) Pulsation Analysis
Mixed Recip/Centrifugal Compressor Station Pulsation Analysis
Rotordynamic Analysis
Design Analysis
Acoustically Induced Vibration
Flow Induced Vibration and Noise
Mechanical Vibration Analysis
For more information about station and pipeline design for compressors and pumps, please contact Ben White or call +1 210 522 2554.