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Flow Assurance

Flow assurance and multiphase modeling of a pipeline system help to improve the reliability of the system by identifying critical conditions to be avoided. It is used to evaluate flow assurance issues such as:

  • Hydrate formation
  • Slugging
  • Liquid accumulation / corrosion
  • Wax deposition
  • System control and production management

These issues are of particular concern for pipelines with limited capacity, bottlenecks, and those that experience harsh transient conditions. Multiphase flow modeling can be applied to a variety of pipeline and production systems including compression and pumping stations as well as offshore pipeline networks.

Flow Assurance and Multiphase Flow Modeling

Multiphase modeling can also be used to prevent slugging and liquid drop-out complications in gas pipelines by:

  • Identifying critical gas liquid/velocities and gas oil ratio of the streams to be transported
  • Identifying phase change conditions
  • Determining operating conditions to avoid
  • Predict locations prone to liquid drop-out and thus corrosion/liquid accumulation

Field troubleshooting and benchmarking services can also be provided to complement the modeling.

Flow Assurance

In 1998, in response to the new challenges demanded by deepwater oil and gas production, SwRI invested in new flow assurance testing facilities and custom experimental techniques to help the industry investigate some of the most challenging flow assurance issues. Since then, SwRI has conducted projects in the following areas:

  • Hydrate Formation, Deposition, and Dissociation
  • Gas Hydrate Slurry Transport
  • Wax Deposition
  • Gelled Crude Oil
  • Shut-in and Restart Scenarios
  • Inhibitor Diffusion and Effectiveness
  • Steady State and Transient Flow Assurance Modeling and Analysis

Contact us for more information about our flow assurance and multiphase flow modeling capabilities, or how you can contract with SwRI.

For more information, contact Kevin Supak, at +1 210 522 2350.

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