Jan. 31, 2018 — Southwest Research Institute is bringing together oil and gas industry experts for the International Multiphase Flow Separation Symposium (IMFS2), to be held April 25-26, 2018, at SwRI’s headquarters in San Antonio.
Multiphase flow is the simultaneous flow of materials with different states or phases (gas, liquid or solid). Separating fluid mixtures into streams of oil, gas and water is an essential process in the oil and gas industry.
The industry is innovating rapidly to meet the demand for separation technology that cost-effectively and efficiently separates the constituents of multiphase flow streams. New advancements, driven in part by oil prices and onshore energy production trends, are creating the demand for training to keep pace with evolving technology, standards and specifications.
“This is the first time a symposium of this type is being offered,” said Dr. Flavia Viana, manager of the Multiphase Flow and Flow Assurance Section in SwRI’s Mechanical Engineering Division. “There is a real need to unite operators, contractors, equipment manufacturers and researchers to discuss discrepancies between current design practices, real-world data and field experience.”
The two-day symposium will focus on new and innovative separation technologies, improving standards and specifications, flow assurance issues affecting phase separation, effective diagnostic tools and better design guidelines for protecting compression equipment.
Each session of the symposium will include a summary of key points and a Q&A period to enhance the learning, understanding and exchange of ideas among participants. A key goal is to provide participants with valuable information that can be applied in their daily jobs.
Registration is 500perpersonpriortoMarch1,575 per person from March 1-31 and $650 per person after March 31. For more information, visit http://imfs2.swri.org.
For more information, contact SwRI Solutions.