ActiveITS State-Owned License Agreement

Since we are an independent, nonprofit research and development organization, Southwest Research Institute is unique in that we do not own any ATMS code; rather, we are work for hire and partner with state DOTs to enhance, maintain and support their ATMS systems as needed.

SwRI’s ActiveITS™ ATMS software, developed and matured by other state agencies, is available to be sublicensed to public agency clients with zero licensing costs.

Leverage Expertise from Others in DOT Community

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By using a non-proprietary approach to ITS software solutions, SwRI leverages its previous ActiveITS software deployments as the baseline ATMS solution and then customizes and enhances the system based on client requirements. The software licensing model provides long-term savings with no recurring license fees.

Clients can receive enhancements developed by other ActiveITS clients and made available by the software exchange by paying integration costs.

SwRI’s approach to develop once and deploy repeatedly provides client’s additional cost value through the advantages of free licensing while providing the source code and all documentation to modify without restriction. Our licensing allows for the sharing of data with other government or public agencies.

Complete form to contact ActiveITS or call +1 210 522 6060.

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