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Dynamic Compressor Simulation & Surge Analysis

SwRI performs dynamic simulation studies to determine if transient events will cause system upsets such as surging compressors, over-pressuring piping, and overheating vessels. Typical transient events investigated include:

  • Start-up
  • Normal shutdown
  • Emergency shutdown
  • Blockage
  • Anti-surge valve fails open
  • Change in operating conditions

Standard industry practices do a reasonable job sizing compression stations for steady state operation; however, it is the transient events that are much more likely to cause damage to the system. Therefore, SwRI recommends performing a dynamic simulation study for new stations and when an existing system is modified or the operating conditions changed.

As part of the dynamic simulation study, SwRI will create a detailed model that represents all of the major components of your system. The analysis will be tailored to your operational concerns, such as:

  • Likelihood of centrifugal compressor surge and adequacy of anti-surge valves
  • Over-pressuring of key components
  • Over-heating and adequacy of coolers
  • High velocities that may indicate the likelihood of acoustically induced vibration
  • Evaluation of the system piping design response time and operating performance
  • Placement of the downstream check valve and anti-surge valve
  • Valve/actuation system selection
  • Compliance with API 617 – Annex H (9th Edition) Basic Requirements for Dynamic Simulation Studies

The simulation results will be used to recommend and investigate system modifications to prevent future downtime.

Field benchmarking and troubleshooting services can also be provided to complement the dynamic simulation study.

To contract with SwRI, please contact the Machinery Services Hotline at +1 210 522 3000.

For more information, contact Ben White at +1 210 522 2554.