Electric Vehicle Cybersecurity Services

The technological advancements in Electric Vehicles (EVs) and supporting systems can create vulnerabilities in our critical infrastructure. Southwest Research Institute is helping secure the EV ecosystem with cybersecurity services that span embedded systems, EV charging infrastructure, wireless communications and more.

Security Solutions for EVs & Charging Infrastructure

EV nodes such as vehicles, smart chargers and the power grid are targets for cyberattacks. A successful attack can compromise personal information, disrupt charging processes and threaten grid stability. SwRI specializes in addressing vulnerabilities and improving cyber resiliency.

An illustration showcasing how EV's can benefit from cybersecurity

From the grid to the cloud, SwRI supports the evolving ecosystem. Our capabilities encompass:

EV & EV Charging Cybersecurity

  • Vulnerability Analysis: Conducting thorough assessments across the EV ecosystem to identify vulnerabilities and safeguard client systems.
  • Penetration Testing: Performing comprehensive security assessments on vehicles, charging infrastructure and associated systems to identify vulnerabilities and demonstrate real-world attacks.
  • Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X): Implementing V2X communication for secure data exchange, coordination, and compliance.

Cybersecurity Architectures

  • Architecture Review: Conducting architectural assessments.
  • Zero Trust Architectures (ZTAs): Designing ZTAs for operational environments.

Research & Modeling

  • EV Vehicle and EV Charging Cybersecurity Research: Undertaking targeted research to address client and domain challenges between the EV, EV charger and their various interfaces by using cutting-edge methods.
  • Vehicle and EVSE Simulations: Developing tailored simulation models that mirror charging infrastructure and operational scenarios.

Integration & Innovation

  • Autonomous Vehicles: Securing autonomous vehicle technologies and their integration with charging infrastructure.
  • Consumer, Commercial, Military and Off-Highway Vehicles: Tailoring cybersecurity solutions to diverse vehicle types.
  • Embedded Systems: Optimizing embedded systems utilized for in-vehicle components, charging infrastructure, and grid equipment.
  • Smart Grid Technology: Integrating smart technologies into operational environments.

SwRI Advancements

Dash screen showing "Not Able to Charge" error.

Press Release

SwRI Podcasts

Illustration of a security shield graphic with a zero in the middle.


Illustration of a cyber styled lock.


Research Citations

For more information, please contact Vic Murray at +1 210 522 6589 or Maggie Shipman at +1 210 522 6769.

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