building boom header

Courtesy Alamo Architects

2024 Building Boom

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In 2024, SwRI broke ground on a new 21,000-square-foot Clinical Supply Facility that will support government and industry clients with integrated pharmaceutical and bioengineering services, including drug discovery, microencapsulation and production scale-up for clinical trials.

In 2024, Southwest Research Institute continued a building boom, completing nearly \$36 million worth of major facility projects, topping off nearly \$165 million in investments over the last five years. Those projects included new buildings and research facilities, updates to the Slick Café and adding solar arrays to the Fitness Facility roof and new covered parking area. Another $195 million worth of projects are underway or approved to start in 2025, allowing us to continue to serve our clients, conduct research and solve problems from Deep Sea to Deep Space®.

group of people with ceremonial shovels for ground breaking

Demand for high-speed aerospace propulsion systems far exceeds the nation's industrial production capacity. SwRI broke ground on the Center for Accelerating Materials and Processes (CAMP), an onsite facility that will support research and development for manufacturing tomorrow’s hypersonic aerospace engines.

aerial view of SwRI fitness center showing solar-panel covered parking

SwRI added solar panels to the Fitness Facility roof (not shown) and its new covered parking structures, providing 465 kW of power. This demonstration project will lead to additional use of photovoltaics across the Institute to help decrease SwRI's carbon footprint.

architectural rendering of Boulder building interior

SwRI renovated a 60,000-square-foot facility in downtown Boulder, Colorado, to house the Solar System Science and Exploration Division. This office also celebrated its 30th anniversary. The office started with three staff members in 1994 and now numbers more than 120.

construction photo of Building 264 with Yeti sculpture in exterior elevator

Construction of a new Intelligent Systems office building is underway. The 44,000-square-foot facility will include a 250-person-capacity conference center.

architectural rendering of advanced electronic warfare facility in Warner Robins, Georgia

Courtesy Pieper O’Brien Herr Architect

The first SwRI-owned building outside of San Antonio, in Warner Robins, Georgia, will support our advanced electronic warfare work
for the U.S. Air Force. The $18.5 million, 33,000-square-foot facility will open in mid-2025.