Ultrasonic Meter Calibration

Transit-time ultrasonic flow meters use acoustic signals to provide non-invasive gas flow measurement. Transducers send and receive ultrasonic pulses diagonally across a gas stream. The transit time method measures the difference in transit time between upstream and downstream pulses related to velocity of the fluid. Multiple measurements are combined to provide an average velocity and a volumetric flow rate. Although the meters are designed to have known measurement characteristics, ultrasonic meter calibration reduces errors produced by manufacturing variations and by variations caused by the piping installation.

Ultrasonic Flow Meter Calibration Services

Man in hard hat calibrating an ultrasonic meter on a closed-loop facility

SwRI performs ultrasonic meter calibration on a closed-loop facility.

The Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) Metering Research Facility provides ultrasonic flow meter calibration services that align with the requirements of the American Gas Association Report Number 9. Our facility is configured as a closed loop, and the pressure can be adjusted to calibrate meters with ANSI 150, 300, or 600 flange ratings. Ultrasonic flow meter calibrations can be scheduled for a quick turn-around test that minimizes the amount of time that the meter is onsite. This can help minimize shipping costs and avoid schedule delays when delivering measurement systems.

AGA Report 9 Services

SwRI participated in development of AGA Report 9, which provides guidelines for measurement of gas by multipath ultrasonic meters, including usage, testing, and installation. We continue to support the AGA through direct involvement with the Transmission Measurement Committee and through industry supported ultrasonic meter research.

Ultrasonic Meter R&D Solutions

In addition to calibration services, we provide flow meter troubleshooting, training, testing and research with expertise in the fields of fluids engineering, acoustics, and ultrasonic research. SwRI can assess ultrasonic meter installations and meter operations through reviews of station design drawings and measurement logs and through on-site meter station reviews. Although ultrasonic meters possess no moving parts, a variety of factors can affect the long-term performance of a meter. These include contamination and replacement of transducers and electronics. Long term confirmation of the performance of an ultrasonic meter can be an important step in solving system balance issues.

Flow Measurement & Metering Research


Or call Adam Hawley at +1 210 522 3427.