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Fuel Tank & Battery Testing

We are recognized worldwide as a center of excellence for fire research and testing in support of the road, rail and air transportation industries and provide flammability, fuel systems, plastic tanks and components and liquid/vapor permeation testing.

Plastic Fuel Tank Testing

Plastic fuel tanks are sometimes used instead of metal fuel tanks. Fire resistance, impact, permeability, and other safety issues are evaluated. We evaluate fuel delivery systems and tanks. Our indoor facility has an overhead crane and calibrated fueling system to support fire resistance testing of nonmetallic fuel tanks (ECE R34 Annex 5). We also have a remote site for testing pressurized fuel systems and pool fire testing. SwRI conducts ECE R34 Annex 5, “Testing of Fuel Tanks Made of Plastic Material.” We perform both standard and custom fire testing for fuel tanks.

Battery Testing

In conjunction with plastic fuel tank testing, we perform a range of fire exposure tests on full size batteries for electric and hybrid vehicles.  Testing is performed in accordance to ECE 100 Annex 8E and GB/T 31467 3-2015, Section 7.10.  We have the capabilities to perform testing on all size batteries, from cell to full pack level, and with multiple burner assemblies. 

Fire Research for Transportation Industry

We recognized worldwide as a center of excellence for fire research and testing in support of the road, rail and air transportation industries. Multidisciplinary teams of scientists and engineers solve problems for clients requesting evaluation of materials and products for these industries. Highly trained staff members operate equipment as required by pertinent protocols. More than 50,000 square feet of laboratory space and a 1,600-acre remote site are available to conduct standard and nonstandard tests.

For questions about fuel tank testing, please contact Kyle Fernandez at +1 210 522 5469.

For questions about battery fire testing, please contact Brandon Meckele at +1 210 522 2728.