The IPER Technology Workshop took place April 5-6, 2022 at SwRI.
Day 1
Tim Allison, SwRI: Welcome to the IPER Workshop
Adam Hamilton, SwRI: Welcome to SwRI/Safety
Topic Introduction & Technology Overview:
Jeff Moore, SwRI: IPER Focus Topics and Supporting Research at SwRI
Eloy Flores, SwRI: Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction and Utilization: Process Development and Pilot Scale
DOE Keynote Speaker – Kelly Speakes-Backman/Joe Cresko, EERE: Industrial Decarbonization and Sustainable Manufacturing
Perry Stephens, EPRI: The Role of Electrification and Alternate Energy Carriers in Industrial Decarbonization
John Repasky, Oxy Low Carbon Ventures: Carbon Management
Panel Session I – Applications and End Users (Panel Leads: Eloy Flores, SwRI/Mike Huckman, SABIC)
Craig Hargis, Fortera: Economically Reducing the Cement Industries Difficult to Decarbonize Process Emissions
Scott Frazier, Carbon America: CO2 Capture and Project Execution
Joe Jones, Carbon Free: SwRI & CarbonFree SkyCycle Development
Luc Huyse, Chevron: Update on Chevron Natural Gas Carbon Capture Technology Testing Project
Joseph Moate, Baker Hughes: A Discussion of Process Design Variables Critical in the Selection of Membrane Technology
Shyamal Bej, Shell Oil Inc.: Leveraging Refining Knowledge for Developing Renewable Fuels Technologies
Megan Schaenzer, Siemens Energy: Industrial Heat Pumps for Process Emission Reduction – A Market and Customer Value Study
Panel Session II – Enabling Component/System Technologies (Panel Leads: David Ransom, Siemens Energy/Jay Kapat, UCF)
Dave Snyder, Chemours: Refrigerant Selection Considerations in Industrial Process Refrigeration
Travis Bowman, Siemens Energy: The Case for Combined Cycle Offshore
Robert Pelton, Hanwha Power Systems: sCO2 WHR
Chris Fraughton, MAN: Industrial Heat Pumps for Decarbonization
Cliff Ho, Sandia: Energy Storage
Day 2
Tim Allison, SwRI: Welcome Day 2
DOE Keynote Speaker: Dan Hancu, U.S. Department of Energy: Carbon Capture Program at DOE: Progress Towards Decarbonization of Power Generation and Industrial Sectors
Bob Slettehaugh, Kiewit: Carbon Capture & Sequestration, An EPC's Perspective
Panel Session III – Carbon Capture (Panel Leads: Robert Krumm/Melissa Allin, Baker Hughes)
Chendhil Periasamy, Air Liquide: CryocapTM – A Point-Source Carbon Capture Technology Suite
Robert Krumm, Baker Hughes: Selection of Solvents for Capture Technology
Bill Aljoe, NETL: Catalyzing the Growth of the Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Industry – An Overview of DOE’s Carbon Transport and Storage RD&D Program
Paul Gauche, Heliogen: Decarbonizing Industry with Sunlight and Advancements in Concentrated Solar
Panel Session IV – Zero-Carbon Process Heat (Panel Lead: Abraham Shultz, DOE)
Ken Kaiser, Air Liquide: Industrial Processes, Energy Transition and Carbon Capture Solutions
Glenn Lansford, IHI: IHI’s Development of Ammonia Combustion Technologies/Fuel Ammonia and Hydrogen Solutions
Leonardo Spanu, Shell: Natural Gas Pyrolysis: A Decarbonization Tool Across Sectors
John O’Donnell, Rondo Energy: Zero Carbon Process Heat from Intermittent Electricity