Principal Investigators
Bapiraju Surampudi
Jayant Sarlashkar
Jianhui Wang (SMU)
Bin Huang (SMU)
Inclusive Dates 
01/20/2020 - Current


Battery-based energy storage is a great asset for the power grid, as it can respond to power imbalances very quickly. To increase profit, people try to provide multiple services with the same battery, such as fast frequency regulation, load shaving, and energy arbitrage. How to schedule these services dynamically to maximize profit is a great challenge.


Artificial intelligence comes to the rescue. We built a mathematical model that simulates a typical solar farm and its connected battery storage unit, as well as the grid and market environment it is in. Taking advantage of cutting-edge reinforcement learning techniques, we also built a PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization) agent that can interact with the model and learn how to schedule the power capacity of the battery to maximize long-term profit, taking into account the battery’s capacity fades through use cycles.


Using data from SwRI’s Energy Storage Technology Center and public sources, we demonstrated that our system is safe, flexible, and quick to learn. The learning agent we chose is sample-efficient and quick to adapt to volatile market and PV (photovoltaics) generation situations. Case studies show our system beat comparative systems at maximizing long-term profit by more than 20%.

Battery-based energy storage machine learning model

Figure 1: Overview of the machine learning model.

graph showing revenue and cost for stacked services for a week

Figure 2: Revenue and cost for stacked services for a week.