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Expanded List of Workshop Topics

2024 Workshop on Storage and Transportation of TRISO and Metal Spent Nuclear Fuels banner with participating organizations logos
2024 Workshop on Storage and Transportation of TRISO and Metal Spent Fuels Logo

Program Topics

On Dec. 3-5, 2024, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is holding the virtual 2024 Workshop on Storage and Transportation of TRISO and Metal Spent Fuels on Dec. 3-5. The workshop is being held in coordination with the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy and EPRI, with assistance from the Center for Nuclear Regulatory Waste Analyses.

The workshop will address the following topics, where applicable.

TRISO Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Transportation

Physical Behavior of Fuel and Containers

  • Structural Integrity
    • Matrix Fracture
    • Non-fuel Block Fracture
    • TRISO Particle Layer Fracture
  • Materials Performance
    • PyC Creep and SIC Fracture
    • Abrasive Wear and Dust Generation
    • SiC Corrosion
    • Particle, Block, and Matrix Oxidation
    • Gas Pressurization (Including from Alpha Decay)
    • Fission Products Leaching
    • Fission Products Diffusion
    • Corrosion of Containers (Including from Residual Coolant Salt)

Nuclear Physics

  • Considerations for Spent Fuel Safety
    • Decay Heat
    • Neutron Multiplication and Criticality
    • Shielding and Radiation Protection

Breakout Sessions: Current Regulations, Guidance Needs, and Crosscuts

  • Provide Information on Current Regulations and Guides
  • Assess Needs for New Guidance Development
  • Discuss Crosscutting and Related Topics

Metal Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Transportation

Physical Behavior of Fuel and Containers

  • Structural Integrity
    • Cladding Rupture Due to Pressurization
    • Fuel Swelling
    • Deformation
  • Materials Performance
    • Corrosion
    • Reactions with Water and Chemical Treatments
    • Fission Products Leaching
    • Fission Products Diffusion
    • Fission Gas Generation and Release

Nuclear Physics

  • Considerations for Spent Fuel Safety
    • Decay Heat
    • Neutron Multiplication and Criticality
    • Shielding and Radiation Protection

Breakout Sessions: Current Regulations, Guidance Needs, and Crosscuts

  • Provide Information on Current Regulations and Guides
  • Assess Needs for New Guidance Development
  • Discuss Crosscutting and Related Topics


For more information, please contact Aditya Savara ( or Patrick LaPlante (

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