Power Generation & Utilities

Power Generation & Utilities

Our solutions improve the efficiency for conventional power generation using coal and natural gas, and we help integrate renewable resources such as solar and wind power. Our work in battery chemistries and electric vehicles has developed new and improved grid-scale energy storage systems. We also specialize in regulatory compliance across the nuclear fuel cycle, and our software engineers and computer scientists are developing algorithms for a variety of power generation challenges.

Developing innovative new methods of power generation through applied research

Offering solutions for natural gas- and coal-fired power plants, including innovations in clean coal, sCO2, and oxy-combustion

Providing a variety of services to help regulators and industry ensure safety, quality, and environmental protection across the nuclear fuel cycle

Developing technology solutions from photovoltaic and concentrating solar to wind turbine mechanics and energy storage chemistries

Providing software and systems for smart grids, SCADA systems, and energy management to ensure safe reliable transmission of electricity