Markerless Motion Capture Laboratory

Markerless motion capture uses computer vision to capture 3D data of physical movement for biomechanical analysis and multimedia applications in film and entertainment. Southwest Research Institute’s Markerless Motion Capture Laboratory helps government and industry research and develop markerless technology with expertise in perception systems, biomechanics, bioinformatics, computer science, machine learning, and sensor fusion. Our markerless motion capture technology is being applied to human performance with sports, military, and medical applications in addition to primate research and other non-human animal subjects.

ENABLE Motion Caption System for Biomechanics

SwRI’s Engine for Automatic Biomechanical Evaluation (ENABLE™) is a one-of-a-kind deep learning-based biomechanics analysis engine. SwRI developed a method to generate large amounts of ground truth training data using a combination of biomechanics and graphic animation techniques. Then we implemented a cross validation AI training and characterization method to quantify the system’s accuracy. ENABLE features a graphical user interface framework for non-technical users that captures data, processes it, and archives it for easy system use. ENABLE has been used for professional and collegiate athletic teams in addition to military and medical applications.

Motion Capture Laboratory Services

SwRI performs contact research and development for a broad spectrum of human performance clients. We leverage multidisciplinary expertise with state-of-the-art laboratories dedicated to machine vision, motion capture, artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, sensor fusion, biomechanical analysis and data analytics.

Our collaborative R&D promotes direct technical interaction among biomechanics and sports science experts and practitioners regarding developing and implementing new state-of-the-art methods for biomechanical assessment.

To learn more about the ENABLE, please contact Dan Nicolella or call +1 210 522 3222.

Human Performance Initiative

SwRI’s markerless motion capture technologies are developed through the Human Performance Initiative, a multidisciplinary team of biomechanical engineers, computer scientists, and intelligent systems engineers fusing data and sensors to develop advanced applications for sports science and human performance applications.

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