listing and labeling

Listing & Labeling

SwRI’s testing laboratories and Listing, Labeling and Follow-up Inspections Program are accredited through federal, state, international and other various agencies.

For questions about this testing, please contact Julie Garcia at +1 210 522 5832.

Through its Follow-Up Inspection Services Program, the Listing, Labeling, and Follow-Up Inspections program at SwRI ensures that products, materials, and assemblies meet specified requirements. This process ensures that when these items reach the final client, their expected performance is similar to what is found through laboratory evaluations and testing. Continued compliance is assured through factory inspections and periodic re-testing. Qualified products, materials and assemblies are published in the SwRI Directory of Listed Products. The Follow-Up Inspection Services (also known as Listing and Labeling Program) administered by SwRI is accredited by the following and more:

  • International Accreditation Service, Inc. (IAS)
  • OSHA
  • U.S. Coast Guard
  • GSA
  • State of Florida, Miami-Dade County
  • City of Los Angeles
  • City of New York

Listing, Labeling, & Follow-Up Inspections Technical Strengths

  • Design and implementation of follow-up programs
  • US Coast Guard/International Maritime Organization (IMO) approval
  • Directory of Listed Products
  • Follow-Up inspection and certification services
  • Follow-up testing in support of listing program
  • Worldwide network of field inspectors