Progress Modules

Progress™ provides manufacturing and quality assurance functions through four major modules, detailed below:


Controlled Stores

The Controlled Stores module provides functions to manage purchase requisitions, purchase orders, stock receipt and to issue stock. There are also functions to generate reports, export data, print labels, and perform other stock management activities at up to two physical sites. The major features of the Controlled Stores module include:

  • Generate and manage purchase requisitions, track purchase orders
  • Receive stock, manage stock receiving records, including QA inspection functions
  • Manage and search inventory (stock), including barcode search
  • Issue stock, manage stock issue records and Manufacturing Planning Sheet (MPS) associations
  • Perform extensive search functions for all record types
  • Allow role-based access to all functions
  • Generate customized reports, print various types of labels, export data, perform system management functions, review procurement status of ordered items, return items to vendors, issue shipping tickets, manage support tables, and other functions
  • Provide online help for all functions and roles

Document Control

The Document Control module provides functions to manage drawings, Engineering Change Orders (ECOs), documents, and forms. There are also functions to generate reports, export data, and perform other document control activities. The major features of the Document Control module include:

  • Create and manage drawing tracking records and drawing distribution records with MPS links and ECOs
  • Create and manage ECO records, associate ECOs with drawings
  • Create and manage project document records and document distribution records with MPS links
  • Create and manage form records and form issues
  • Perform extensive search functions for all record types
  • Allow role-based access to all functions
  • Perform extensive drawing and document revision functions
  • Generate customized reports, print labels, export data, perform system management functions, manage projects, manage support tables, and other functions
  • Provide online help for all functions and roles

Note: This module is designed to track documents, drawings, and ECOs. The actual “documents” are stored separately. Full document-integration functions — the storage of the documents along with the tracking records — are scheduled for an upcoming release.

Manufacturing Planning Sheets

The MPS module provides functions to create and manage manufacturing planning sheets (a.k.a. travelers), provide real-time MPS status displays, track part shortages, manage mixtures, and perform many other MPS functions. The major features of the MPS module include:

  • Create and manage MPS records
    • Assign release, operation change, and closure approvers
    • Create and manage individual MPS operation steps, including functions to perform (sign), add, edit, void, move, change assigned person or group, perform change review signatures, in-depth mixture management functions, email notifications, record use of calibrated equipment, record supplemental info, and moreCreate/integrate drawing records
    • Create/integrate drawing records
    • Assign project-specific and general procedures
    • Create and manage inspection and non-conformance report records
    • Create and manage as-run test records
    • Create and manage part requests
    • View issues parts
    • Create and manage installed parts
    • Attach files and manage attachments
    • Attach images to questions, various display options
    • Associate assemblies
    • Create and manage notes
    • Access history tracking records for individual operations and the overall MPS
    • Generate trailer and full MPS PDFs
    • Generate the MPS in XML format
    • Assign special requirements color schemes to MPSs
  • Track MPS record status via real-time displays
  • Search and manage part requests
  • Search and manage inspection records
  • Search and manage installed parts
  • Perform extensive search functions for all record types
  • Allow role-based access to all functions
  • Generate customized reports, export data, perform system management functions, manage support tables, and other functions
  • Provide online help for all functions and roles

Calibrated Equipment

The Calibrated Equipment (CAL) module provides functions to create and manage assets, manage calibration records, manage MPS association records, and other calibrated equipment functions. The major features of the CAL module include:

  • Create and manage calibrated equipment assets
  • Create and manage calibration records for each asset
  • Create and manage MPS association records for each asset
  • Perform extensive search functions for all record types
  • Allow role-based access to all functions
  • Export data, perform system management functions, manage support tables, and other functions
  • Provide online help for all functions and roles

Job Tracker

The Job Tracker module provides functions to create and manage job requests, track resource usage and costs, and export resource use and cost information. The major features of the Job Tracker module include:

  • Create and manage job requests
  • Create and manage resources used for each job request
  • Link job to an MPS
  • Perform extensive search functions for all record types
  • Allow role-based access to all functions
  • Export data, perform system management functions, and other functions
  • Provide online help for all functions and roles


Or call Robert Thorpe at +1 210 522 2848.