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Demilitarization Laboratory Support

We develop new chemical agent monitoring technologies and designing and evaluating advanced analytical methodologies for the identification of chemical agents and potential interferences. As part of the alternative technologies program research, new methods are developed and validated for neutralizing and destroying chemical agent stockpiles and remediating contaminated sites. We operate a certified surety laboratory capable of handling chemical agents in a safe and secure environment.

Historically, we provided full chemical agent monitoring and laboratory services to the U.S. Army’s first production-scale demilitarization facility at Johnston Atoll, known as the Johnson Atoll Chemical Agent Demilitarization System (JACADS). Additionally, we provided monitoring and laboratory services to the Pine Bluff Chemical Demilitarization Facility (PBCDF), the Newport Chemical Disposal Facility (NECDF) and the Umatilla Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (UMCDF).