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Materials & Coating Selection

The gas turbine materials technology program at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) includes super alloys, including directionally solidified and single crystal alloys, coatings, titanium alloys, composites, ceramics, intermetallics, and polymers, as well as conventional ferrous and nonferrous materials.

For materials and coatings selection, it is necessary to understand the parameters, such as the materials and process, structure-property relationships, and process quality assurance that affect the durability of the components. Engineers have worked extensively on numerous gas turbine materials and coatings and tested a number of superalloys and coatings to generate a materials database, understand degradation mechanisms, and develop life assessment methods. SwRI has conducted studies that can be broadly categorized as:

  • Materials and processes
  • Testing and evaluation
  • Quality assurance
  • Supplier qualification

SwRI can offer you a full range of capabilities and experience in gas turbine technology including becoming an extension of your engineering department. Contact us for more information about our gas turbine technology materials and coatings selection capabilities. To contract with SwRI, please contact the Machinery Services Hotline at +1 210 522 3000.

For more information, contact Tim Allison or call +1 210 522 3561.

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