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Strategic Manufacturing Solutions

In today's competitive environment, growing a business requires planning, efficient processes, leadership, and customer focused innovation. Whether you desire assistance in one area or a comprehensive approach, our strategic manufacturing solutions provide actionable steps to get you to the next level and beyond.

Planning & Strategic Leadership

Strategic Planning

Our staff can guide and facilitate an organization in establishing an operating plan. Emphasis is on strategic and long-range planning: developing Mission, Vision and Values; assessing the environment; setting balanced goals; aligning strategies; establishing objectives and accountabilities; determining performance measurements; and converting objectives into action plans.

Change Management

In order to keep up with the ever changing market, companies must challenge the organization's employees to adapt and improve business processes and practices. Organizational changes can be either holistic or tactical. Having a structured approach to developing a clear vision of a future state, communicating that vision to all involved, and leading the change by executing the strategy is critical to the success of any level of change effort.

Additionally, companies must have a clear understanding of the differences between leadership and management and how to effectively engage the organization at multiple levels. Our staff has helped many customers with change management, through a variety of levels of effort. From one-on-one executive coaching to training the larger numbers of staff, we have a solid record of achieving success.

Customer-focused Innovation

Product Innovation, Development & Commercialization

Product Innovation, Development & Commercialization services available at Southwest Research Institute improve the efficiency and productivity of the design process, including optimizing product characteristics to fit with customer desires or demand. Comprehensive testing and validation services are available from our globally respected facilities to assist in the development of successful products and services.

Manufacturing Assistance

Visit TMAC South Central Region to learn how SwRI and the Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center are leveraging the Manufacturing Extension Partnership to provide access to strategic planning, change management, and product innovation services.