Go to TMAC South Central Region

TMAC South Central Region

The mission of the Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC) is to accelerate the profitable growth and competitiveness of Texas manufacturers. Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in San Antonio, Texas, serves as the state’s South Central field office and has been a part of the TMAC network since 1995. On average, TMAC customers see a 16:1 return on their investment as measured by customer responses from a third-party survey.

TMAC Services

We assist manufacturers with the following:

TMAC Events & Courses

Find a TMAC training course near you. Training offered throughout the year includes lean manufacturing, ISO 9100 quality, six sigma, workforce training, and supervisor training.


TMAC South Central Coverage Area

Texas cities in the South Central TMAC Region include Austin, Georgetown, New Braunfels, Round Rock, San Angelo, San Antonio, San Marcos, Seguin, Temple, Uvalde, Victoria, and Waco. Find a list of other TMAC regional offices across Texas.

MEP Affiliation

TMAC is a network affiliate of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP). Visit About TMAC to learn how MEP affiliation offers small and large manufacturers with access to services at lower costs.