Advanced science.  Applied technology.



Patent Number Date Of Issue Title of Invention Inventors
12,078,563 09/03/2024 Frictional Torque Determination Technique

Greg Hansen; Peter Lee; Carlos Sanchez

12,078,584 09/03/2024 Device for Measuring Three-Dimensional Velocity Size, and/or Shape of Particles

Keith Nowicki; Alex Parker; Alejandro Soto

12,054,459 08/06/2024 Purification of Bis-Quaternary Pyridinium Oximes

Shawn T. Blumberg; Antonio Menchaca; Christopher Dorsey; Asa Waterman

12,038,768 07/16/2024 Obstacle Detection and Avoidance System for Autonomous Aircraft and Other Autonomous Vehicles

Omar D. Medjaouri; David J. Anthony; Stephen A. Geiger

12,038,347 07/16/2024 Method and Apparatus for Steady State and Transient Generation of NO2 and NO for use with Burner-Based Exhaust Replication Systems

Ryan C. Hartley; Robert T. Henderson; Cary A. Henry 

12,041,381 07/16/2024 Passive Infrared Sensing and Detection

Zachary Balcar: Ayetullah Baha Biten; Sara Ahmed; Samar Dessouky; Jerome Helffrich

12,031,803 07/09/2024 Wedge System for Characterization of Fragmentation from Warheads During Arena Testing

James T. Mathis; Matthew V. Grimm; Nicholas J. Mueschke; Edward V. O’Hare

12,036,187 07/06/2024 Compositions of Dimethyl Trisulfide (DMTS) As Cyanide Antidote

Hong Dixon; Joseph A. McDonough 

12,007,322 06/11/2024 Corrosion Sensors Suitable for Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) Detection

Leonardo J. Caseres; James F. Dante; Sergey A. Vinogradov 

11,986,779 05/21/2024 Recrystallized HI-6 Dimethylsufate

Shawn T. Blumberg; Paul W. Miguel