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Fluids Engineering CFD

We apply computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques to model industrial scenarios such as oil and gas production, combustion, and food processing. By combining software with parallel processing capabilities, we can provide rapid analysis with fewer resources and prototype iterations.

CFD is an engineering tool that uses numerical methods to analyze physical phenomena involving fluid flow. Multiphase flows, in particular, present many challenges due to intricate mixing and interfacial transients that can occur. Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) engineers have more than 30 years of experience in using and customizing both commercial and SwRI-developed CFD models and user defined functions to meet our clients’ needs.

SwRI conducts research for a diverse range of clientele problems in the oil and gas industry, space science, medical community, food processing, environmental agencies, and nuclear regulatory commission. Reasons for employing CFD alone, or in conjunction with experimental testing, may include the need for:

  • Rapid analysis with reduced resource requirements
  • Fewer prototype iterations
  • Corroboration of experimental results
  • Investigation of parameters not obtainable via traditional experimental techniques (due to time scales, impracticality of sensor placement, visual obstructions, etc.)

For more information about fluids engineering CFD, please contact Fluids Engineering CFD, at +1 210 522 2613.

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