ActiveICM artwork with traffic light

Integrated Corridor Management

The innovative technologies and novel strategies leveraged through integrated corridor management (ICM) help address congestion on major metropolitan roadways. Several initiatives are seeking to integrate corridor-level incident management into existing intelligent transportation systems and other federal, state, and local traffic management and emergency response infrastructure.

A leader in intelligent transportation systems (ITS), Southwest Research Institute has over 20 years of experience developing, deploying, and maintaining small- and large-scale ITS systems. We deploy unique ICM solutions as systems integrators, software developers, and R&D problem solvers.

Collaborative Smart Mobility

SwRI’s Integrated Corridor Management System (ICMS) is a collaborative freeway and arterial management system that collects data from public and private sources, applies data analytics, and suggests the best set of actions across agencies to optimize the flow of traffic along a corridor. Smart mobility features and benefits include:

  • Cross-agency collaboration
    • Coordinated management of freeways, arterials, and regional transit
    • Optimized traffic signal corridors across jurisdictions
  • Multi-modal incident response
    • Freeway signage to suggest lane closures and alternative routes
    • Freeway ramp metering and paid lanes
    • Arterial signal timing adjustments
    • Transit bus bridging
  • Efficiency gains through automation
    • Real-time incident detection and notification
    • Incident response simulation and recommendation
    • Incident response approval and implementation workflows
    • Command and control integration and automation
    • Signal timing analysis
  • Multi-use data access
    • Data stream and query access for internal applications and external public/research use

ITS Solutions for Corridor Management

Our ICM solutions are informed by expertise in Intelligent Transportation Systems, including ActiveITS Advanced Traffic Management Systems, used in more than a dozen states. We offer enterprise ITS, ATMS, and custom software that integrate with third-party applications and existing systems. Additionally, SwRI leverages R&D in connected and automated vehicles to help industry and government prepare for future mobility with driverless vehicles.

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