Our patented Magnetostrictive Sensor (MsS®) technology generates ultrasonic guided waves for long-range inspection and structural health monitoring of pipes, plates, bridge cables and tubes. MsS also provides engineers with a fast, cost-effective means of inspecting steel pipes and tubes in processing and power generating plants for the oil, gas and chemical industries.
Wave Modes
The primary wave modes used in the MsS technology are:
- Torsional waves (for pipes and tubes)
- Horizontally polarized shear waves (for plates)
- Longitudinal waves (for bridge cables)
MsS Instrument and Probes
We have pioneered magnetostrictive sensor technology, which continues to gain international prominence, and have recently upgraded our latest system, the MsSR™ 3030and the MsSRv5, which uses acoustic guided waves to detect flaws in:
- Pipelines
- Steel cables
- Anchor rods
- Heat exchanger tubing
- Metal structures
We significantly reduced the system's size and weight, improved graphical user interfaces (GUI), and enhanced control and data acquisition capabilities.
The features of the second-generation MsSR 3030 and the fifth-generation MsSRv5 include:
- Computer-controlled through USB communication
- Small and lightweight
- Multi-frequency (4 to 250 kHz)
- Multi-use (industrial and laboratory)
In addition to the MsS instrument and system software, SwRI supplies probes for:
- Pipeline inspection
- Bridge cables
- Heat exchangers
- Plates
These probes work on the principle of magnetostriction—easily configured for different sizes, inspection frequencies, and wave modes.